Comprehensive Guide to Spring Boot Actuator: Monitoring and Managing Your Application

Understanding Spring Boot Actuator

Spring Boot Actuator is a sub-project of Spring Boot that provides production-ready features to help monitor and manage your application. It offers several endpoints and features out of the box, which are essential for understanding, monitoring, and managing the application in production environments.

Key Features of Spring Boot Actuator:

  1. Endpoints:
    • Actuator exposes several HTTP endpoints that provide information about your application’s health, metrics, environment, configurations, and more.
    • Common Endpoints:
      • /actuator/health: Provides information about application health (up or down status).
      • /actuator/info: Displays arbitrary application info (custom details about the application).
      • /actuator/metrics: Offers various metrics about application behavior (e.g., JVM memory usage, HTTP request metrics).
      • /actuator/env: Exposes environment properties and configuration.
      • /actuator/logfile: Provides access to the application’s log file contents.
      • /actuator/beans, /actuator/mappings, /actuator/conditions: Provides insights into Spring beans, request mappings, and auto-configuration conditions respectively.
  2. Custom Endpoints:
    • Actuator allows you to create custom endpoints by implementing Endpoint interface or extending AbstractEndpoint. This is useful for exposing application-specific metrics or information.
    • Custom endpoints can be secured using Spring Security to control access based on roles or permissions.
  3. Health Indicators:
    • Actuator includes built-in health indicators (HealthIndicator interface) for checking various aspects of the application’s health, such as database connectivity, disk space, and custom health checks.
    • Custom health indicators can be implemented to monitor specific components or services.
  4. Metrics:
    • Actuator integrates with Micrometer, a metrics collection library, to gather and expose application metrics in a vendor-neutral manner.
    • Metrics can be sent to various monitoring systems (Prometheus, Graphite, InfluxDB, etc.) for visualization and analysis.
  5. Auditing and Tracing:
    • Actuator provides auditing capabilities (AuditEvent) to track and log events within the application, such as authentication success/failure, method invocation, etc.
    • Tracing capabilities help trace and monitor request flows across microservices using distributed tracing solutions like Zipkin or Sleuth.
  6. Security:
    • Actuator endpoints can be secured using Spring Security configurations ( or application.yml) to restrict access based on roles or IP addresses.
    • By default, some sensitive endpoints (like /actuator/env, /actuator/beans) are secured and require authentication.
  7. Integration with Spring Boot:
    • Spring Boot Actuator seamlessly integrates with Spring Boot applications without requiring additional configuration, leveraging Spring Boot’s auto-configuration capabilities.
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How to Use Spring Boot Actuator:

  1. Dependency:
    • Include spring-boot-starter-actuator as a dependency in your pom.xml or build.gradle file to enable Actuator in your Spring Boot application.
  2. Configuration:
    • Actuator endpoints can be configured and customized using properties in or application.yml.
    • Example configuration:
      include: "*"

      This configuration exposes all endpoints (*) via HTTP.

  3. Accessing Endpoints:
    • Actuator endpoints are accessible over HTTP (e.g., http://localhost:8080/actuator/health) or through JMX for monitoring and management tools.
    • Use appropriate security configurations to secure sensitive endpoints in production environments.

Best Practices:

  • Secure Sensitive Endpoints: Ensure that sensitive endpoints (/actuator/env, /actuator/beans, etc.) are secured appropriately to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Customize Endpoints: Create custom endpoints and health indicators as needed to monitor application-specific metrics or perform custom health checks.
  • Monitor and Analyze Metrics: Integrate Actuator metrics with monitoring tools to gain insights into application performance and behavior.


Spring Boot Actuator is an indispensable tool for monitoring and managing Spring Boot applications in production environments. By leveraging its endpoints, health indicators, metrics, and auditing capabilities, developers and operations teams can ensure the reliability, performance, and security of their applications effectively. Understanding Actuator and configuring it appropriately enhances visibility and control over your Spring Boot application’s runtime behavior.

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